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Science Professionals
WG/U/GMO/2020/01 Requisition #
WG Chair: Javier Moreno
Charter: P-GMO-03[]
Minutes of meetings: GMO Plenary minutes of 1-2 July
Experts of the WG should have experience on protein digestion, food allergy and risk assessment.
It is also noted that this new WG is a continuation of a former WG and therefore, the main expertise in this new WG will be covered by former members, whenever appropriate/possible.

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Italy, Emilia-Romagna, Parma, EFSA

📁 Science Professionals

Requisition #: WG/YOUCEF/TEST

Only applications for published vacancies submitted via the online tool are considered. Applications by email are not accepted. 


In case you encounter technical issues while filling-in an application form or your candidate profile, please contact EFSA Service Desk at The service will be active Monday to Friday from 8.30 AM to 6.00 PM. Note: Please be aware that EFSA is closed on 25-26 May 2017, on 2 June and 5 June 2017. Service Desk will not be available to answer your questions on these days. Therefore, we strongly advise you not to wait until the last days before the deadline to submit your application. Please be aware

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