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Science Professionals
WG/U/SCER/2019/02 Requisition #
Working Group Establishment:

  • Working Group Chair
Josef Schlatter
  • Charter:

<Insert relevant link to Charter>

  • Minutes of Meetings:

<Insert relevant link to the Minutes of Meeting(s)>

  • RAW:
<Insert relevant link to RAW>

WG Member Standard Profile


  • Collect, analyse and organise data and information to provide input to Panel Experts for scientific opinions’ adoption.
  • Contribute to the discussion, clarification and interpretation of the terms of reference of new mandates.
  • Provide preparatory tasks in relation to a draft contribution for the Panel/Scientific Committee within a set period.
  • Support the Scientific Panel and/or the Scientific Committee by providing independent scientific advice on specific scientific matters.
  • Ensure, promote and contribute to adherence to sector specific and horizontal EFSA guidance documents and to relevant assessment guidelines set by EU legislation.

Technical Competencies:
  • Develop guidance  for scientific assessment 
  • Collect and collate evidence
  • Perform a scientific assessment
  • Write and review scientific documents
  • Communicate scientific  outputs to different target audience
Behavioural Competencies:


  • Ethics and Integrity
  • Working with others
  • Innovative thinking and creativity
Knowledge areas: specific for each WG taken from the library


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